Fount of Grace
Rosary - Amethyst and Bronze Seven Sorrows
SKU: T-BR170
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This heirloom-quality rosary features deep purple amethyst gemstones, crystals, and antique replicas cast in solid bronze. The "Our Father" rose beads, and crucifix are also cast in solid bronze to ensure longevity. We use the rose to honor Our Lady who is often associated with the flower as in her title, “Mystical Rose.” Each rosary comes with a descriptive write-up! Please note: this item is a standard, 5-decade, 10-bead rosary with our Seven Sorrows center (a Fount of Grace exclusive!) If you are interested in the Seven Sorrows Chaplet, which features 7 groups of 7 beads, please select Chaplets from our menu bar and scroll down to the Seven Sorrows Chaplet.